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Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887


Question: I was involved in redding a shidduch. The boy is a very fine young man, though not what we would call a “learning boy.” The boy and girl went out five times and the girl was ready. At that point, the boy was asked where he’s holding, and he said that in his circles, people go out...
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Question: I was dating a boy for several weeks and we connected well on many levels. Each date was quite long, leading us closer to cementing the relationship. At the very last meeting, we spoke about finalizing the shidduch. The boy clearly led me to believe that the next meeting would be a prelude to an engagement. The...
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Who should travel for a first date? Should it be the young man, or the young woman? Lately, this has become one of the most frequently asked questions by those who are in the shidduch parsha. Parents, young women, and bachurim are all asking this question and wondering what is the appropriate, right, and fair...
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Question: Out of genuine concern for the numerous girls I know who are in their upper twenties and even thirties and do not seem to be finding their bashertes, I am writing this with frustration and disbelief. We have heard so much about the shidduch crisis and have written so many articles, yet very little concrete...
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Question: My husband and I have a son in shidduchim and we are looking for money. There, I said it. I know, one isn’t to supposed to say it so openly. But we are. We’ve been down the other road, and it is just too hard for us to carry an additional couple financially. My...
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Question: I am an eleventh grade teacher and I was called about one of my students, who I think very highly of. I gave an extremely positive report, raving about this girl’s qualities. I was wondering what the panelists feel about letting this girl know that I was called for shidduch-related info and that I gave...
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Question: In response to recent Yated letters about out of town girls in shidduchim, I feel that there are many who agree about the maalos of out of town but are deterred from going out there due to the astronomical costs of plane tickets and out of town car rentals. Obviously, if it’s the right...
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Question: Amongst my chevrah of high school friends, there are some who married right away, at 19 or 20, and some who got married a bit later, at 22 or 23. I have noticed an interesting pattern: The ones who married later seem to be more happily married and have made better choices. In fact, one of...
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Question: I went out with a boy recently, and on our second date we went to a hotel lounge. While there, the boy spotted his friend, who was also on a date. As we were leaving the hotel, the friend and his date were also leaving. As we got the hotel exit at about the...
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Question: I am a high school teacher who is concerned about her students’ future and their entry into shidduchim in a year or two. (I teach eleventh and twelfth graders.) If there was something that you wished girls my students’ ages knew before they entered shidduchim, what would it be? Students of mine have told me that they read...
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