Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887
Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887


Question: Our child has been in shidduchim for eight months and has gone out a few times, but for some reason, the suggestions and dates do not seem to be on target. It is almost like we haven't been able to effectively convey to people what it is that is right for our child, or perhaps we ourselves don't...
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I have a really great daughter who has been in shidduchim for about two years. She has an amazing personality, went to a great school and seminary, has great friends, etc. The bottom line is that she’s a real catch. We have been to countless shadchanim and are involved in the community. People know who we are. So what...
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Question: We gave a yes to a shidduch for our son, and as the girl’s side was checking out our son, the shadchan came back with a list of questions numerous times. We realized based on the questions that this was not a match. Both sides were looking for different attributes, and my son, in...
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Question: Boruch Hashem, I recently got engaged. A few of the expenses have made me wonder. Although my parents are in chinuch, we don't mind spending $1,600 on an engagement bracelet in order to ensure that my kallah is happy, because that is the norm and I don't want her to feel deprived. What bothers...
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While many are aware of The Shidduch Center of Baltimore’s pioneering work, there are two questions that are frequently directed our way. First, what does it means to be a Dedicated Shidduch Center shadchan? And second, why is it so important that we have an organization in our city that formally employs shadchanim? Regarding the...
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Who is The Shidduch Center of Baltimore, Inc.? The Shidduch Center of Baltimore, Inc. was formed in February of 2008 as a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the dating needs of the single men and women in the Jewish community of Baltimore, MD.  Unprecedented Challenges, Unprecedented Solutions  The Shidduch Center is driven by the conviction...
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Question:   There is popular myth out there that it is easier to be a boy in shidduchim than a girl.   I am a (lucky) mother to have both a son and a daughter is shidduchim. Although it is a lot quieter on my daughter's end (which can be a challenge too), shidduchim takes a lot more of a toll on my son....
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Question: I recently went out with a girl and after five minutes knew that it was, what I call, "totally no shaychus," or "DOA.” For the duration of the date, I still tried to remain focused and polite and gave it my all. My feelings remained the same throughout the date, so I gave the...
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Question: In the past, proper spacing between dates has been discussed.    I will iy”H be traveling by plane to date someone out-of-town. Should I be waiting around several days in a city I am not familiar with before I go on the next date? Would you advise me any differently than if I was dating in-town?
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Question: My son recently went out with a girl and, after the second date, asked her if he can call her. Usually, this type of thing is made up with the shadchan beforehand, but in this case, my son told me that he sensed that the first two dates went very well, and, feeling spontaneous,...
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