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Question:    I just went on a fifth date with a bochur. He seemed like he was everything I was looking for in a husband, until he dropped a bombshell by disclosing that neither he nor his parents checked any of my references. His rationale behind refusing to check references was his preference for natural face-to-face...
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Question: I recently had the following dilemma. Our family car was not drivable and we needed a car for my date. Would it have been appropriate to have the shadchan ask the girl’s side if we can use her car for the date? Or should I just have spent the money and rented a car?...
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Question:   I have a follow-up to the question from a few weeks ago about serving as a shidduch reference.   Recently, quite a few times, I got calls about singles from people, but they refused to provide their name or their relationship to the shidduch (meaning if it’s for their son, daughter, or some other...
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Question:   What is the protocol regarding when to tell grandparents of a pending engagement? Also, is there an inyan for a chosson to take his potential kallah to visit the grandparents – and if yes, when?
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Question:   I am a 20-year-old Bais Yaakov girl in shidduchim and I have had Crohn's disease since I was very young. I am ready to begin shidduchim and have a question for the panelists before I begin to date. Let me give you some background information so that you can best answer my question. 
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I am a child of divorce who has been in shidduchim now for 10 years. Over the years, I've been privy to conversations of people discussing their deep distrust of children of divorce in shidduchim. I myself have been turned down for exactly that reason. Seeing as our parents’ marriages are not something we have any control over, it...
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Question:   I am a single girl in shidduchim. Over my high school and seminary years, I made some very good, close friends. Boruch Hashem, most of them got married pretty quickly.  I know that life gets busy and unfortunately you lose touch. I won't get into that aspect now of who's at fault, but there are a few...
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Question:   Our daughter is ready to begin shidduchim and we met with some shadchanim. Now what? Do we just sit and wait for the phone to ring? Do we go to meet with even more shadchanim?   Is there any additional effective hishtadlus that you would recommend that we do, other ways to come up with possible suggestions for our daughter?
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Question: One of the most unfortunate lines that I keep hearing from parents of boys and girls alike is, "We can't wait to be out of shidduchim," or, "I feel such a load off my shoulders in between my children who are dating." Is there any way to spin the process into a lighter, more...
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If a bochur’s shidduch references do not pick up the phone right away or after repeated calls, or they don’t give enough information, should I proceed with a first date? Or should I discard the shidduch suggestion?
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