Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887
Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887


Shlomo Goldberger
Question:   I am a single girl in shidduchim. Over my high school and seminary years, I made some very good, close friends. Boruch Hashem, most of them got married pretty quickly.  I know that life gets busy and unfortunately you lose touch. I won't get into that aspect now of who's at fault, but there are a few...
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Question:   Our daughter is ready to begin shidduchim and we met with some shadchanim. Now what? Do we just sit and wait for the phone to ring? Do we go to meet with even more shadchanim?   Is there any additional effective hishtadlus that you would recommend that we do, other ways to come up with possible suggestions for our daughter?
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Question: One of the most unfortunate lines that I keep hearing from parents of boys and girls alike is, "We can't wait to be out of shidduchim," or, "I feel such a load off my shoulders in between my children who are dating." Is there any way to spin the process into a lighter, more...
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If a bochur’s shidduch references do not pick up the phone right away or after repeated calls, or they don’t give enough information, should I proceed with a first date? Or should I discard the shidduch suggestion?
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Question:   In Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Shidduchim, Rabbi Naftali Weinberger relates that Rav Chaim zt”l said, and I quote, “There is no way to know for sure that this is one’s intended shidduch other than to marry the person.” Furthermore, Rav Chaim said, “Though a Heavenly voice decrees whom one will marry, it is possible for a person...
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Question:   I have been redding shidduchim for a number of years and successfully made a number of shidduchim. Recently, I have been hearing from mothers of Lakewood boys that they are only looking into Lakewood girls. I have heard this multiple times. I am assuming that these mothers are looking for the convenience of not shlepping for a date and eventually for the...
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Dating the Jewish Way – Event for Single Women Ages 26 and under
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Relationship Tools for the 21st Century Woman – Event for Single Women Ages 27 and above
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Question:   After being on the shidduch market a bit as a working boy, it is obvious to me that there are many more working boys than there are girls who want working boys. My question is: what is happening to these boys? What hope is there for them?

 I've noticed that the girls who are interested...
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