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Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887


November 2021
Question: To the esteemed panelists: It is admirable and appreciated that so many people want to suggest shidduchim, but unless the shadchan is extremely close to the single, they would not know if the single is currently dating someone, just finished a difficult dating situation and needs a break, or for any other reason might not be open to...
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Question:   I have been redding shidduchim in my spare time for well over a decade, amounting to hundreds of suggestions. I've yet to make a shidduch.    My husband keeps encouraging me to continue, because it's a big zechus, and one day I’ll finally succeed, but I think I’m done. I feel that it's kind of like if someone...
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Question: My son was recently redd a shidduch, and I called a friend of the girl, who answered all my questions. Then, at the end of the conversation, she said, "I am sure you know that one of the siblings has an emotional issue.”   What, as a parent, am I supposed to do with a comment like that?...
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