Question: I am an independent shadchan in Flatbush and recently have been getting complaints from older single boys who have been getting pushed into dating older single girls. The girls are clamoring to get a date with these boys, but once they get the date going, usually after the second or third date, they are the ones...Read More
Question: I've gone out with a boy a few times. He’s nice and we have interesting conversations, but I feel so stressed when I think about going further, because I'm just not sure if he is someone I want to marry. There is nothing wrong with him, per se, and I don't even know why...Read More
Question: I’m interested in reading the opinions of the panelists regarding boys and girls exchanging phone numbers before they are fully ready to get engaged. Personally, I feel that breaking down this barrier causes unnecessary anguish if the shidduch doesn't work out, and it also forces the two of them to share their feelings about how it...Read More
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