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Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887


October 2018
Question: Dear Esteemed Panelists, I read this column religiously and appreciate the insightful and rich ideas to which I’m exposed on a weekly basis.  I hope that you will be able to provide the same meaningful answer not only to my particular question, but to the broader public, some of whom may be experiencing a...
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Question: I am going out with a boy and things are going very well. Barring any disappointments, our dating will likely end in engagement. I am petrified of an extravagant proposal. I know that it’s in style and some even anticipate it, but I don’t. I would appreciate a quiet, simple proposal, nothing fancy or...
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Question: With children in shidduchim, I often encounter the issue of yichus. I am wondering if you, as shadchanim, find that people are hung up on this. Interestingly, I recently read that someone asked Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l how much emphasis they should put on yichus when choosing a shidduch. Rav Miller responded that if the yichus is that the girl “comes from good parents, her father is...
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