Question: From time to time, I have nagging feelings of guilt with regard to two girls I went out with. I said “no” to them both. Today, I am married, boruch Hashem. However, I feel bad that after going out with two particular girls, one five times and one six times, I had no choice but...Read More
Question: I am a single girl and was recently redd to a divorcee. As this is something new for me, I was wondering how to approach it. What kind of questions should I ask when calling the references? What red flags should I be looking out for? If I do decide to date him, how am I...Read More
Question: I’m in my upper twenties and have been in shidduchim for close to seven years. I’ve gone out with several dozen girls and have come close to engagement many times, only to break it off at the very last moment. I often feel that, intellectually, I wish to go ahead with the shidduch, since I am eager...Read More
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